'200 SQUAT WORKOUT | Home Leg Workout No Equipment (Follow Along)'

09:30 Nov 23, 2022
'Workout alongside Conor Sloan with this 200 rep squat workout that you can perform at home with no equipment. This home leg workout requires no equipment and you can follow alongside me with the entire session. This squat challenge consists of 10 different bodyweight squat variations to help you build lean/tone muscle mass in your lower body.   The Workout | 10 Squat Variations | 10 Reps Each | 2 Rounds   1. Prisoner squats  2. Wide stance squats 3. Side squats  4 Close squats 5. Split squats (L) 6. Split squats (R) 7. Jump squats  8. Curtsy squats 9. Pulse squats 10. Mini Jump Squats     

Tags: home squat workout , home leg workout no equipment follow along , 200 squats , 200 squats a day , 200 rep squats , leg day workout at home no equipment , 200 squats workout , 200 squat challenge , 200 squats a day for a week , 200 squats a day results , 200 squats a day for 30 days , 200 squats a day challenge , 200 squats everyday , squat workout at home without equipment , different squat variations at home , follow along squats , follow along leg workout no equipment , home squat variations

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